Friday, January 28, 2011

Potty training readiness

Lately potty training has been on my mind a little bit. 
A few of my online mom-friends (Facebook group) who have kids the same age as Ace, have started with potty training.

If cats can learn how to do it, I'm sure Ace will as well..

And then I know a few other friends who are now slowly starting this as well, so of course we are discussing it.
I already read a bit about it.. what signs to look for to find out if your child is ready to start potty training, etc. But today I stumbled over a proper checklist. Nice. 
Since Markus is home with Ace these days I just forwarded this list to him as well. 
For reference cause I know we are not there yet. 
However to my surprise, I already got the list back since Markus has taken it on him to answer each point. 
Please find below the interesting responses I received (in kursiv and red):

Potty training readiness checklist:

Physical signs 
Is coordinated enough to walk, and even run, steadily. 
- Fluctuating!
Urinates a fair amount at one time.
- How the heck should I know? I am NOT measuring with a cup.
Has regular, well-formed bowel movements at relatively predictable times. 
- What the heck is a well-formed bowel movement??? IT’S A FRICKN’ TURD!
- Predictable times? Sure: DAILY 
Has "dry" periods of at least three or four hours, which shows that his bladder muscles are developed enough to hold urine.
- Nope

Behavioral signs 
Can sit down quietly in one position for two to five minutes. 
- …while watching TV! Easy peasy.
Can pull his pants up and down. 
- Way too often! Mainly DOWN!
Dislikes the feeling of wearing a wet or dirty diaper. 
- He couldn’t care less.
Shows interest in others' bathroom habits (wants to watch you go to the bathroom or wear underwear). 
- Or hands you the toilet paper! Yeah.
- Especially the watching part is kind of creepy.
- Yes, he often wears mommy's underwear - ON HIS HEAD!
Gives a physical or verbal sign when he's having a bowel movement such as grunting, squatting, or telling you. 
- He is too busy trying to climb on you.
Demonstrates a desire for independence. 
- What? By writing the Declaration of Independence? Sure.
Takes pride in his accomplishments. 
- Big time!
Isn't resistant to learning to use the toilet. 
- How the heck should I teach him? Sit him down until he wants to get up? He doesn’t get the concept quite yet.
Is in a generally cooperative stage, not a negative or contrary one. 
- In the washroom? During lunch? WTH?
- He is extremely cooperative when I do what he wants me to do.

Cognitive signs 
Can follow simple instructions, such as "go get the toy." 
- Sure. But doesn’t mean that he is going to do it, though.
Understands the value of putting things where they belong. 
- He does it sometimes. How the heck should I know if he understands the value?
Ask him??? The answer is always the same: ‘Da…deeeeeee.’ SO GO FIGURE!
Has words for urine and stool. 
- Nope.
Understands the physical signals that mean he has to go and can tell you before it happens or even hold it until he has time to get to the potty.
- Dream on!…

Thursday, January 27, 2011

News from Russia

This made me laugh today, so of course I am going to share:

Mummy fried - woman sets fire to house while trying to reanimate long-dead sister

Published: 26 January, 2011, 15:19
Edited: 26 January, 2011, 16:08
A night fire in an apartment block has been caused by a woman who tried to reanimate her long-dead elder sister with electricity.
­The horrific story happened in Ekaterinburg, the biggest city in the Urals.

The suspected arsonist, 69, apparently was not completely of sound mind, judging by her mental health record.

A year ago, her 73-year-old sister died from natural causes, prosecutors told Noviy Region news agency. However, instead of reporting the death, the woman preserved the body with gasoline and had been trying the reanimate it ever since.

Her last macabre experiment on Tuesday night involved “jump starting” the mummified corpse with two wires connecting the body’s hand and neck to the mains.

Despite what Frankenstein movies suggest, the electric current did not revive the body, instead setting it on fire.

The surviving sister is now in hospital suffering from burns and smoke inhalation.


Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Ten on Tuesday... ehm Wednesday

Ya, I know I am a day late.. but what can you do, eh?
(I hope you at least checked Roots & Rings while you were waiting for my turn...)

So here it goes:

1. Do you decorate for Valentine’s day?

2. Does your desktop have a picture or computer graphic? Is it organized?
In the past: graphic.
Now: picture. Usually one of Ace.. or Ace and Markus. Kind of predictable, eh?
And yes, it is organized. Yay me.

3. Do you use a paper planner, electric planner or no planner at all?
Both! I use Outlook, a calendar on the wall and plenty of sticky notes.
(Cause after the pregnancy brain, you get mommy brain and without notes and planners you will not be able to survive anymore..) 

4. Do you change purses or bags often or stick with a good thing?
Not very often. I don't really have the time to play around like that anymore.

5. What’s your favorite YouTube Video?
Hm.. I don't know.. but one I still like after years is the scratching lemur cause it makes me smile since it's cute. Check it out here..

6. Do you use Turbo Tax or a real person to pay your taxes?

7. How many states have you set foot (or tire) in? Which ones?
Florida, California, Nevada, New York, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Virginia, North Carolina and South Carolina.

8. How many countries have you been in? Which ones?
9: Germany, England, Netherlands, France, Czech Republic, Mexico, Dominican Republic, USA, Canada.

9. How many pillows are in your house? (Sleeping or decorative)
3 in the bed, 2 as part of the couch, 2 for guests. We don't own decorative pillows.

10. How cold is too cold for flip flops?
It's never too cold for flips flops! 
Yeah, I wish... hm.. I guess I stop wearing them for sure when the temperature goes below 10 C. Which reminds me: When is winter over again? *sigh...

No candy for babies

Sometimes I can't understand people. (Yes, you are assuming right - this is going to be a little rant.. :P)

I am bothered because lately too many people have tried to "mean well" when it comes to Ace.
Apparently we have now reached some magical age where people think it is appropriate to hand out candy.
On several occasions AND in different countries people have come up to us and tried to give him sweets or lollipops.

Of course we said No every time and earned surprised looks.
The last incident happened approx. 2 weeks ago when Markus and Ace were off to buy groceries while I was at work.
It has been reported to me that Ace was not pleased when being seated in the shopping cart, so that he started to complain and whine loudly. In response an elderly lady came up to him and tried to give him a candy to calm him down. Markus intervened and thanked her but said politely No. And wait... here it comes: The woman was offended cause she gave him the look!
Excuse me??

First of all: You are a stranger. And while I appreciate your intention to console my toddler (who will be calming down in 2 minutes anyways) and I understand that you just mean well - I still don't know you! So please don't give him anything without consulting me or Markus FIRST.
Secondly: You are trying to give him candy! And all I can think of is: WHY?

Remember, Ace is 19 MONTHS old. He is barely out of the baby phase, being a toddler now. Which means he has no frickin clue what a candy is. Cause he never had it. (gasp)
Yes, I am one of those evil moms who withholds sweets and other unnecessary crap from her son.
Why? Because he doesn't need it. I can assure everybody that Ace will eat enough chocolate, candy, sweets and other junk in his life. Heck, I do it. I certainly love my chocolate.. but I think a child that age does not need to have those kind of "treats". My motto is "If he doesn't know what it is, he doesn't need to eat it." Cause he doesn't miss anything. I can eat treats at home and he won't ask for any of it.. cause all he wants right now is a third banana or second yogurt since that it what he likes to eat. That's a treat to him. Markus and I feel very blessed because of that.

So I don't understand how people can complain that their children don't want to eat their fruits and veggies when they are okay with grandma letting them feed candy.
(Hint: There might be a connection here... I am just saying..)

So ya.. Sometimes I don't understand people.. but then maybe it's just me being weird again... who knows... :P

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Ten on Tuesday

It's Tuesday again everybody, so it's time to answer some questions again.

Here are the 10 things Chelsea from Roots & Rings wants to know this week:

1. What’s your favorite color to paint your nails?
A dark red. I have a nail polish made by Revlon called "Blackberry" that I really love.

2. Do you like to sneeze?
Sure. Although sometimes I find it annoying because I always have to sneeze several times when it's very bright outside. Yes, the sun makes me sneeze..

3. How often do you fill up your car with gas?
Ehm.. once a year? To be honest, I barely drive. I am either on my way to/from work and use public transportation or I am with Markus and then he drives and fills up the car. But in the latter situation I offer my moral support. Does that count?

4. Were you named after anyone?
I know my mom liked Melissa Gilbert from Little House on the Prairie when it was time to find a name for me. But I have to confirm with her if that was really the inspiration for my name.

5. Have you made any good recipes lately?
Not really. I tried a new baking recipe at Christmas and it was a disaster.
I was attempting to make Magic Bars and it didn't turn out well at all.
This week I am planning on making Greek Chicken Kabobs again though. We had them before and they were great!

6. What’s an easy money-saving tip that you use regularly?
We buy groceries that are on sale and stock up if they are items we know we will still use in 6 months. Things like toilet paper, you know.
We use coupons where we can and frequently buy deals on TeamBuy or Wagjag to save on entertainment and food.
And of course, we have saved TONS of money by not always buying electronics or everything baby related new, but from Craigslist and Kijiji.

7. Would you rather have a sore throat or an ear ache?
Sore throat. You can kill that with coffee and Ibuprofen.

8. Do you have any scars? What are they from?
Plenty. I tend to be clumsy and scar easily. I got a bigger, heart-shaped one 2.5 years ago in the summer. I was inline skating without knee protection, fell and scraped of the skin on my left knee.

9. What are you “known for” in your circle of friends/family?
My love for coffee probably.
I am like Captain Janeway from Star Trek Voyager: "Neelix, is there any coffee left?"

10. How do you like to eat your pancakes?
With Nutella. Or Rübenkraut. Yum!

Happy New Year

Hello 2011!
I know I am a bit late to wish everybody a happy new year, but hey - this is my first post in 2011...

We have been gone for a while, checking on how things are back in Germany and what family and friends are up to. It was a good trip despite some hassle with car rental agencies, airports and airlines. (Did you know that it is possible to loose a car seat 3 times within 10 days ??)
It was good to see everybody and we actually got to meet with an old friend again that we kind of had lost contact with. (Hi Tom! *wave*) That was a nice surprise.
Now we are back home and we already survived a weekend of food poisoning and I probably won't die from the bad cold I brought back from Europe either.

So again: Hello 2011! I am sure you'll be a great year... :)
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