Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Sid the Science Kid

We don't want Ace to watch too much TV. But making sure that he doesn't, is actually an easy task (for now) since he is not that much into it anyways. A couple of shows he enjoys watching though, like Barney or the occasional Sesame Street.
But there is one show he really loves: Sid the Science Kid.
And I have to say that we certainly don't mind him watching that because this show is just awesome.

For those of you who don't know it:

The main character is Sid, a five-year-old boy, who wants to be a scientist when he grows up.
He wants to know everything about everything and with the help of his family, friends and his teacher he finds the answers to questions kids have about how things work and why they are a certain way.

This show is entertaining and educational and I just love not only how (scientific) things are explained, but also how the different characters interact with each other.
It is just wonderfully written in my opinion.

I am sure Ace enjoys the colors and the singing and dancing in every episode more than anything else at the moment, but it still makes me smile a lot when I see how my so active baby boy gets all quiet when we turn it on. He just sits there on the couch, very focused on what Sid has to say.

It is adorable.

We are now thinking of getting him the Sid doll for his birthday. ;-)

1 comment:

  1. Aww... That's sweet. Isla doesn't care about the TV anymore... We rarely have it on, so sometimes I'll move the furniture out of the way and turn on a movie in the living room so she can have some visual stimulation. She couldn't care less.


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