Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Being German

Being German is actually kind of a deal.

It certainly comes with its perks like free health care, free college/university education or a social net of benefits that will catch you in case of unemployment (or even if you are just a lazy butt after finishing school :/) so not nobody really "has" to live on the streets. The system will take care that at the very least you have a roof over your head and you don't have to starve.
(Of course, all of this only applies if you are actually living in Germany. ;))
Also, prospective employers tend to look at you benevolently since we have the reputation to be punctual and organized.
(I don't know about others but that is certainly true for Markus and I.)

But it also comes with "responsibilities" as well (and I am not talking about paying your taxes or going to vote, etc).
Like for example you have to like soccer (well, and Formular 1 probably too, given the fanbase this sport has over there, but whatever...).
Soccer is certainly the number 1 sport everybody is into.
I really don't think that I know a single German who does not like soccer.
So obviously at our house the excitement is big as well now that the World Cup 2010 is on.
What that means is that at the moment Markus' favorite piece of clothing is a German soccer jersey. Available in either white (home) and black (away) to mix it up a little. ;)
Myself, I am prepared with a soccer zip jacket and a bracelet in country colors.
But of course the new generation needs to be dressed appropriately as well.
Cause a true soccer fan is starting out young!

So even Ace got an outfit and hey, when you look at him - who wouldn't start liking a sport that has fans that cute?! ;)

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Too late

Ok, this is too funny to not to share, so here is a little funny that happened last week:

Markus gets a call.

"Hi, this Maria from the xyz Midwife Community.
I know it is a little late, but we now have a spot available."

Markus: "Ehm, what?"

"Ya, I know you have been on our waiting list for a while, but now we finally got an opening for Melissa.
But tell me: The baby is not here yet, right?"

Markus: "Actually, the baby just turned 1 last Friday."

Maria: "Oh!"

(shuffling through papers)

"Oh, gosh.. I am just seeing here that the due date was in 2009!
I am so sorry..."

My reaction: LOL!!! But at least they called back! :D

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Ace's birthday

Just a day after our "special" day we had Ace's birthday party in our backyard and it was awesome.
I really could not have asked for more.
So many people came and everybody had fun.
The weather was great - sunny, but not too hot.
The "main" birthday cake was really yummy.

But even more important: The birthday boy really enjoyed himself.

Ace had a great time getting dirty with his smash cake.

He had fun sitting on everybody's laps, being held or playing with the other babies.
And he also did well with unwrapping his presents (with some help of course ;)).
No tantrums, no meltdowns despite all that excitement and attention.
He was just having a good time until eventually the party was over and he passed out cause he was so tired. lol

I consider it a total success.

Thanks everybody for creating great memories for Ace's first birthday and all the generous gifts we got for our little boy.

Of course this includes our family/friends in the US and overseas who were not able to be there in person - but just know that you were still a part of this great afternoon. :)

Friday, June 4, 2010

Special day

Today is a very special day.

On June 04th, 2008 on the Stratosphere Tower in Las Vegas at around 8 pm I got married to the most wonderful man in this world.

On June 04th, 2009 in our apartment in Toronto at 7.41 am I gave birth to our beautiful baby boy.

Happy Anniversary, Markus! I am so blessed to spend the rest of my life with you, because your are amazing and I love you more than words can say...

Happy Birthday, Ace! I am so proud to be your mom and I will always be there for you and love you...

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Growing up

Ace got his first haircut on the weekend and since that turned out to be quite the experience for everybody involved, I shared the story online with friends on APA and Facebook.
Of course this included the upload of some of the photos we had taken at "Melonhead".
On the camera chip we not only found said photos though, but also some pictures from our trip to Niagara Falls in January.
I pretty much had seen all of them before, except for this one:

This photo was taken 5 months ago and while this does not feel that long ago to me, I look at this pic and I realize how much Ace has grown up during that time.
He is still the cutest and most adorable little boy ever, but he has lost some of his baby face and sure looks more like a toddler now.

That realization couldn't come at a better time though considering his birthday will be in just 2 days!
His first birthday!
I don't know how it happened that the time flew by so fast, but I am glad that I am not really sad about my baby boy turning 1 already. The first year has been so much fun and was really exciting, so I am sure more adventures will lie ahead of us when he now enters the toddler years...

I can't wait to see how you will learn more new things and make this world your own.
I love you.

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