I really could not have asked for more.
So many people came and everybody had fun.
The weather was great - sunny, but not too hot.
The "main" birthday cake was really yummy.
But even more important: The birthday boy really enjoyed himself.
Ace had a great time getting dirty with his smash cake.

He had fun sitting on everybody's laps, being held or playing with the other babies.
And he also did well with unwrapping his presents (with some help of course ;)).
No tantrums, no meltdowns despite all that excitement and attention.
He was just having a good time until eventually the party was over and he passed out cause he was so tired. lol
I consider it a total success.
Thanks everybody for creating great memories for Ace's first birthday and all the generous gifts we got for our little boy.
Of course this includes our family/friends in the US and overseas who were not able to be there in person - but just know that you were still a part of this great afternoon. :)
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