Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Fun at the playground

Recently Ace has started to climb.
He can climb off the bed and the couch, but not back up. But he is able to climb on the foot stool since it is lower to the ground. And he can climb stairs up and down. The latter he is always doing backwards though - with one foot carefully testing/searching for the next step.
Really cute.
So since we now have a monkey on our hands, we have started to go with him to the playground.
We have a really nice one close by that has a big jungle gym with plenty of stairs for Ace to climb.
It also has 3 different slides, but in the past Ace didn't really show any interest in those at all. Every time we tried sliding with him, he had been totally indifferent. Basically he could not care less.

Well, this has changed. A lot.
I am not sure how it happened, but Ace suddenly figured out that you can slide backwards on your belly as well.
And this is the result:

This is the smallest slide by the way.
It's still pretty crazy for a 14-month old guy and everybody I talked to agreed with me.
Apparently, Ace thinks a little different about that though cause 2 nights ago, he decided it was time to upgrade and he went for the TALLEST slide. I could not believe it when he started to head towards it.
Neither could the other parents on the playground.
1 minute ago they were reminding their kids "to be careful with the baby" since Ace is always the youngest one there... and the next thing you know, the "baby" was at the top of the tallest slide, turned around, stretched his legs and woosh! made his way down that slide while having the greatest time. Crazy!
One of the other moms actually looked like she was going to pass out. LOL.

We definitely have to take a video of Ace and this sliding adventure as well.

Stay tuned...

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