Wednesday, January 26, 2011

No candy for babies

Sometimes I can't understand people. (Yes, you are assuming right - this is going to be a little rant.. :P)

I am bothered because lately too many people have tried to "mean well" when it comes to Ace.
Apparently we have now reached some magical age where people think it is appropriate to hand out candy.
On several occasions AND in different countries people have come up to us and tried to give him sweets or lollipops.

Of course we said No every time and earned surprised looks.
The last incident happened approx. 2 weeks ago when Markus and Ace were off to buy groceries while I was at work.
It has been reported to me that Ace was not pleased when being seated in the shopping cart, so that he started to complain and whine loudly. In response an elderly lady came up to him and tried to give him a candy to calm him down. Markus intervened and thanked her but said politely No. And wait... here it comes: The woman was offended cause she gave him the look!
Excuse me??

First of all: You are a stranger. And while I appreciate your intention to console my toddler (who will be calming down in 2 minutes anyways) and I understand that you just mean well - I still don't know you! So please don't give him anything without consulting me or Markus FIRST.
Secondly: You are trying to give him candy! And all I can think of is: WHY?

Remember, Ace is 19 MONTHS old. He is barely out of the baby phase, being a toddler now. Which means he has no frickin clue what a candy is. Cause he never had it. (gasp)
Yes, I am one of those evil moms who withholds sweets and other unnecessary crap from her son.
Why? Because he doesn't need it. I can assure everybody that Ace will eat enough chocolate, candy, sweets and other junk in his life. Heck, I do it. I certainly love my chocolate.. but I think a child that age does not need to have those kind of "treats". My motto is "If he doesn't know what it is, he doesn't need to eat it." Cause he doesn't miss anything. I can eat treats at home and he won't ask for any of it.. cause all he wants right now is a third banana or second yogurt since that it what he likes to eat. That's a treat to him. Markus and I feel very blessed because of that.

So I don't understand how people can complain that their children don't want to eat their fruits and veggies when they are okay with grandma letting them feed candy.
(Hint: There might be a connection here... I am just saying..)

So ya.. Sometimes I don't understand people.. but then maybe it's just me being weird again... who knows... :P

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